AtwarGi Money Back Guarantee

We want you to love our products as much as we do. All items we ship have successfully passed our rigorous Quality Control inspections. Our warranties ensure you have a fantastic gadget experience while giving you total peace of mind. Most items sold by AtwarGi are covered by the following comprehensive product warranties. If, in an unlikely situation you are not covered, please check our Warranty Exemptions and Notes below.

  • 30 Day Dead on Arrival (DOA) Guarantee

    If your item arrives damaged or is not working, please follow the warranty process and contact our Support Center for AtwarGi authorization within 30 days of the order being received. After returning the product to the address provided by our support team, we can send you a new item free of charge (we will reimburse you the return shipping cost), or you can choose to receive a full refund. Enjoy total peace of mind: every single purchase is 100% risk-free each time you shop at AtwarGi.

    Special Notes:

    1. Customers must first send a clear photo or video of the damaged or defective product and the shipping packaging before we can consider issuing AtwarGi authorization. Please use good lighting, and a close to medium distance, so we can identify and verify the issue(s). Attachment size must be under 10MB for the Support Center, please send larger attachments to: 
    2. After AtwarGi has received the returned product and confirmed the product is faulty, the return shipping cost will be refunded based on a valid return receipt. For example if the return shipping fee is 30 USD, AtwarGi will refund the same amount of 30 USD to the customer. If our technical team determines the item is not DOA , AtwarGi will not compensate the return shipping fee. Refund requests for a return shipping fee without a valid AtwarGi return receipt slip will not be accepted.
    3. Product returns must be via one of AtwarGi's approved shipping methods; our Support Center can provide you with further details.


  • Warranty Exemptions and Notes

    1. Natural product degradation through wear and tear, along with breakage/damage during use, is solely the customer's responsibility and is not covered by our warranties.
    2. If the customer has damaged/misused the item(s), the product's warranty is immediately rendered void. No compensation is available in such cases. However, customers are welcome to contact us to purchase a replacement or spare parts (if applicable). We will charge the original value of the components and a shipping fee to dispatch them.

    The customer voids the warranty if they:
    - Flash the firmware of a device or root a device
    - Open the body in an attempt to fix the device
    - Modify, remove, customize, or swap parts of the product
    - Use the device in a way that it is not originally intended for
    - Continue to use the item once a fault occurs and causes more damage

    3. All returns must first be authorized by Gearbest's Support Team prior to return. Please kindly refer to the following steps in " How to a request warranty" below. For incomplete warranty requests, AtwarGi reserves the right to refuse any compensation. If the customer has returned the package without prior authorization (AtwarGi form), sends to the wrong address, returns an incorrect item, or submits an empty package, then again Areserves the right to refuse any compensation.

    4. All returns will be inspected by our technical team upon arrival. If the returned item cannot be repaired, AtwarGi will offer an alternative solution.

    Special Notes:
    1. The shipping fee for returning the product back will be paid by the customer and is non-refundable except for in 30 day DOA situations.
    2. During the return shipping, the customer is responsible for any and all customs charges, duties or tariffs during the items return to our warehouse. In these cases we will deduct the customs fees from your authorized refund amount.
    3. AtwarGi will by default resend the item to the customer via Flat Rate Shipping. If the customer wants to utilize a faster shipping method, the relevant shipping fee is applicable.
    4. In case of any misuse, any and all repairs, accessories and shipping fees, both ways, are fully the customer’s responsibility and are at their own expense.